/* global affwp_debug_vars */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { var ref_cookie = $.cookie( affwp_debug_vars.ref_cookie ); var visit_cookie = $.cookie( affwp_debug_vars.visit_cookie ); var campaign_cookie = $.cookie( affwp_debug_vars.campaign_cookie ); var credit_last = AFFWP.referral_credit_last; /* * Debug data */ if ( 1 === AFFWP.debug ) { /** * Helpful utilities and data for debugging the JavaScript environment. * * @type {prototype Object} AFFWP.debug_utility An AFFWP.debug_utility object. * * @since 2.0 * @since 2.0.1 Return false instead of null. * @var item The cookie item name. */ function affwp_get_cookie_item( item ) { var re = new RegExp(item + "=([^;]+)"); var value = re.exec(document.cookie); return (value != null) ? unescape(value[1]) : false; } // Short-circuiting, and saving a parse operation /** * Checks whether a given value is an integer, with support for floating-point. * For simple positive integer checks, * use jQuery isNumeric instead (such as within tracking the ref below). * * @since 2.0 * * @param {int} value The value to check. * @return {boolean} True if value is an integer, otherwise false. */ function affwp_debug_is_int( value ) { var i; if ( isNaN( value ) ) { return false; } i = parseFloat( value ); return ( i | 0 ) === i; } /** * Assert two values are equal. * * @since 2.0 * * @param {mixed string|int} a String or integer. * @param {mixed string|int} b String or integer. * @return void */ function affwp_debug_tests_assert_equals( a, b ) { if ( 1 !== AFFWP.debug ) { return false; } console.assert( a === b, 'AffiliateWP: Assertion failed, values not equal.' ); } /** * Assert two values are not equal. * * @since 2.0 * * @param {mixed string|int} a String or integer. * @param {mixed string|int} b String or integer. * * @return void */ function affwp_debug_tests_assert_not_equals( a, b ) { if ( 1 !== AFFWP.debug ) { return false; } console.assert( a !== b, 'AffiliateWP: Assertion failed, values are equal.' ); } /** * Asserts value a is greater than value b. * * @since 2.0 * * @param {int} a Integer. * @param {int} b Integer. * * @return void */ function affwp_debug_tests_assert_greater_than( a, b ) { if ( 1 !== AFFWP.debug || ! affwp_debug_is_int( a ) || ! affwp_debug_is_int( b ) ) { return false; } console.assert( a > b, 'AffiliateWP: Assertion failed, primary value is less than secondary value.' ); } /** * Asserts value a is less than value b. * * @since 2.0 * * @param {int} a Integer. * @param {int} b Integer. * * @return void */ function affwp_debug_tests_assert_less_than( a, b ) { if ( 1 !== AFFWP.debug || ! affwp_debug_is_int( a ) || ! affwp_debug_is_int( b ) ) { return false; } console.assert( a < b, 'AffiliateWP: Assertion failed, primary value is greater than secondary value.' ); } /** * Various data pertaining to AffiliateWP (if available). * * @since 2.0 * @return {array} An array of debug variables. */ function affwp_debug_inline_vars() { var vars = { ajax_url : affwp_scripts.ajaxurl.length ? JSON.stringify( affwp_scripts.ajaxurl ) : 'unavailable', ref : JSON.stringify( AFFWP.referral_var ? AFFWP.referral_var : affwp_get_cookie_item( affwp_debug_vars.ref_cookie ) ), visit_cookie : affwp_get_cookie_item( affwp_debug_vars.visit_cookie ) ? JSON.stringify( affwp_get_cookie_item( affwp_debug_vars.visit_cookie ) ) : 'unavailable', credit_last : AFFWP.referral_credit_last ? JSON.stringify( AFFWP.referral_credit_last ) : 'unavailable', campaign : JSON.stringify( affwp_get_query_vars()['campaign'] ? affwp_get_query_vars()['campaign'] : affwp_get_cookie_item( affwp_debug_vars.campaign_cookie ) ), currency : affwp_debug_vars.currency.length ? JSON.stringify( affwp_debug_vars.currency ) : 'unavailable', version : affwp_debug_vars.version.length ? JSON.stringify( affwp_debug_vars.version ) : 'unavailable' } return vars; } /** * Get all active integrations. * * @since 2.0 * * @return {array} All active AffiliateWP integrations on the site. */ function affwp_debug_get_integrations() { if ( typeof affwp_debug_vars !== 'undefined' ) { return affwp_debug_vars.integrations; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the current time via the performance timing API. * * @since 2.0 * @return {int} The current browser client time. */ function affwp_debug_print_time() { return performance.now(); } /** * Halts all JavaScript at the given callable of AFFWP.debug_utility.halt(). * * - Useful in implementing step-debuggers, and breakpoints. * * @since 2.0 * * @param {string} errorMessage Error message. Optional. * * @return void */ function affwp_debug_halt( errorMessage ) { if ( errorMessage ) { console.affwp( errorMessage ); console.log( '\n' ); } console.affwp( 'Halting at ' + affwp_debug_print_time() ); debugger; } /** * Outputs any available debug data * * @since 2.0 * * @param {string} heading Optional title heading. Renders before the tabular data output. * @param {array} debugData Available debug data. * * @return void */ function affwp_debug_output() { console.affwp( 'The following data is provided from AffiliateWP debug mode. To disable this information, please deactivate debug mode in AffiliateWP.' ); console.affwp( 'Available debug data: ' + '\n' + JSON.stringify( Object( affwp_debug_inline_vars() ) ) ); console.affwp( 'Integrations' + '\n' + JSON.stringify( Object( affwp_debug_get_integrations() ) ) ); } /** * Defines styles for AffiliateWP-related console output. * * @since 2.0 * @see console.affwp */ var affwpConsoleStyles = [ 'background: transparent' , 'border-bottom: 2px solid #E34F43' , 'color: black' , 'display: block' , 'line-height: 18px' , 'text-align: left' , 'margin: 4px' , 'font-weight: bold' ].join( ';' ); /** * An extension of the console.log prototype. * * Usage: * - Callable with `console.affwp( "The error or message" )` * - Disambiguates the source of the error or message. * * @since 2.0 * * @return void */ console.affwp = function(){ Array.prototype.unshift.call( arguments, '%c' + ' * AffiliateWP: ', affwpConsoleStyles + ' *' ); console.log.apply( console, arguments ); }; /** * Print debug info to the console. */ affwp_debug_output(); } /* * End debug data */ if( '1' != credit_last && ref_cookie ) { return; } var ref = affwp_get_query_vars()[AFFWP.referral_var]; var campaign = affwp_get_query_vars()['campaign']; if( typeof ref == 'undefined' || $.isFunction( ref ) ) { // See if we are using a pretty affiliate URL var path = window.location.pathname.split( '/' ); $.each( path, function( key, value ) { if( AFFWP.referral_var == value ) { ref = path[ key + 1 ]; } }); } if( $.isFunction( ref ) ) { return; } if( typeof ref != 'undefined' && ! $.isNumeric( ref ) ) { // If a username was provided instead of an affiliate ID number, we need to retrieve the ID $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: { action: 'affwp_get_affiliate_id', affiliate: ref }, url: affwp_scripts.ajaxurl, success: function (response) { if( '1' == response.data.success ) { if( '1' == credit_last && ref_cookie && ref_cookie != response.data.affiliate_id ) { $.removeCookie( affwp_debug_vars.ref_cookie ); } if( ( '1' == credit_last && ref_cookie && ref_cookie != response.data.affiliate_id ) || ! ref_cookie ) { affwp_track_visit( response.data.affiliate_id, campaign ); } } } }).fail(function (response) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ) { console.log( response ); } }); } else { // If a referral var is present and a referral cookie is not already set if( ref && ! ref_cookie ) { affwp_track_visit( ref, campaign ); } else if( '1' == credit_last && ref && ref_cookie && ref !== ref_cookie ) { $.removeCookie( affwp_debug_vars.ref_cookie ); affwp_track_visit( ref, campaign ); } } /** * Tracks an affiliate visit. * * @since 1.0 * * @param {int} affiliate_id The affiliate ID. * @param {string} url_campaign The campaign, if provided. * * @return void */ function affwp_track_visit( affiliate_id, url_campaign ) { // Set the cookie and expire it after 24 hours affwp_set_cookie( affwp_debug_vars.ref_cookie, affiliate_id ); // Fire an ajax request to log the hit $.ajax({ type: "POST", data: { action: 'affwp_track_visit', affiliate: affiliate_id, campaign: url_campaign, url: document.URL, referrer: document.referrer }, url: affwp_scripts.ajaxurl, success: function (response) { affwp_set_cookie( affwp_debug_vars.visit_cookie, response ); affwp_set_cookie( affwp_debug_vars.campaign_cookie, url_campaign ); } }).fail(function (response) { if ( window.console && window.console.log ) { console.log( response ); } }); } /** * Set a cookie, with optional domain if set. Note that providing *any* domain will * set the cookie domain with a leading dot, indicating it should be sent to sub-domains. * * example: host.tld * * - $.cookie( 'some_cookie', ...) = cookie domain: host.tld * - $.cookie ('some_cookie', ... domain: 'host.tld' ) = .host.tld * * @since 2.1.10 * * @param {string} name cookie name, e.g. affwp_ref * @param {string} value cookie value */ function affwp_set_cookie( name, value ) { if ( 'cookie_domain' in AFFWP ) { $.cookie( name, value, { expires: AFFWP.expiration, path: '/', domain: AFFWP.cookie_domain } ); } else { $.cookie( name, value, { expires: AFFWP.expiration, path: '/' } ); } } /** * Gets url query variables from the current URL. * * @since 1.0 * * @return {array} vars The url query variables in the current site url, if present. */ function affwp_get_query_vars() { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); var key = typeof hash[1] == 'undefined' ? 0 : 1; // Remove fragment identifiers var n = hash[key].indexOf('#'); hash[key] = hash[key].substring(0, n != -1 ? n : hash[key].length); vars[hash[0]] = hash[key]; } return vars; } });